Suunto is renowned for producing high-quality, rugged outdoor gear, with a significant focus on watches and precision instruments tailored for adventurers, divers, and endurance athletes. Their products are designed to withstand the harshest conditions and aid in navigation, training, and monitoring performance. With advanced features like GPS, heart rate monitoring, and altimeters, Suunto’s gear helps outdoor enthusiasts push their boundaries while staying safe and informed.
Suunto was founded in 1936 by Tuomas Vohlonen, a Finnish orienteer and inventor, who developed a method for manufacturing liquid-filled compasses that significantly improved their accuracy and reliability. Since then, Suunto has continuously innovated, expanding its product range to include diving computers, sports watches, and other precision instruments that serve explorers around the globe.
Suunto has been widely recognized for their precision compasses and outdoor watches. The Suunto Vector watch, introduced in the late 1990s, was a groundbreaking product that set the standard for outdoor wrist-worn computers. Today, their Spartan and Suunto 9 series are celebrated among athletes and adventurers for their durability, long battery life, and comprehensive tracking capabilities.